Please remember, Cosmo is in beta. There is a high chance of bugs (even though heavily tested). Please raise any issues via the bug report system.
A simple and intuitive user interface allowing server staff to quickly, effectively and simply manage your server and community surrounding it. This system aims to bring all your systems together into once place making life simpler and removing the stress from day-to-day server running and management.
The driving force of Cosmo was to remove the annoyance of multiple spreadsheets and discord webhooks making teaching staff a pain! We wanted to make a simple that brings everything into one place.
While Cosmo is still in beta we do believe we've matched and surpassed the options and controls of TxAdmin.
For the forseable future no, while this is a great target Cosmo wasn't originally designed to control the core server as TxAdmin's intergration systems are... non-existant. Cosmo mainly replaces features like allowlisting, bans, notes and warnings at minimum.
From a staff point of view this can fully replace your systems just not from a server/resource management point of view.
This documentation aims to bring a general overview and reference of general systems and examples of situations and options.
While this documentation will hopefully contain answers to most questions there may be some parts missing. If you notice anything missing from this documentation please mention it to @ninjalabs_ on Discord.
If you've got a suggestion or have found a bug for Cosmo and one of it's features, make sure to submit it through the in-built systems. This can be found in the user options dropdown (found at the top right of the screen by clicking your username)
You can view the Github page here
If you've found a issue you believe that may effect Cosmo's core security or introduces a possible risk towards exploit this should be reported as soon as possible. Please report these issues directly to @ninjalabs_ on Discord.
To ensure issues are not used in a malicious and damaging way we urge people to report and not disclose the issue unless given permission/confirmation from the Cosmo team.